The VII National Meeting on Traditional Mexican Cuisine Concludes

 More than 60 delegates from the Conservatory of Mexican Gastronomic Culture presented reports on the state of their regional and local kitchens.

 During the Meeting, a Competency Management Committee of the CCGM was created that will be able to certify the labor competencies of the traditional cooks.

 Based on the conclusions of the Meeting, the annual report required by UNESCO will be prepared.

Acapulco, Guerrero, February 25, 2018.- Lic. Mauricio Leyva Castrejón, Secretary of Culture of the State of Guerrero, closed the VII National Meeting of Information on Traditional Mexican Cuisine, as a World Heritage Site, in which 67 delegates of the Conservatory of the Mexican Gastronomic Culture (CCGM), presented their reports on the state of the rescue projects, safeguarding and promotion of regional and local kitchens.

The closure was made in the company of Gloria López Morales, President of the CCGM, José N. Iturriaga, Vice President of the CCGM, Sol Rubín de la Borbolla, Vice President of the CCGM, Luis Ignacio Gómez Arriola, Delegate of the Conservatory of Jalisco and José Antonio Vázquez Medina, Delegate of the San Luis Potosí Conservatory.

“Placing Mexican gastronomy in the global panorama is something that due to the obligation and determination of the Governor requires us to be involved. For us it was an imperative that the Conservatory be made visible, and that we did it represents a lot because it allows us to strengthen efforts and place it in the sights of public policies of the State government, “said Mr. Mauricio Leyva Castrejón.

The VII National Information Meeting on Traditional Mexican Cuisine brought together delegates from twenty-five states of the country; It counted with the participation of representatives of official organizations, students, local producers, local traditional cooks, academics, chefs and media.

Throughout these four days, the event allowed to recognize the specific characteristics of the traditional cuisine of Guerrero through presentations, lectures, testimonies and tasting of dishes from different regions, the latter by Chef José Javier Reynada, delegate of the Conservatory of Warrior.

Likewise, the CCGM Competency Management Committee was brought before the National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competences (CONOCER), which will certify the labor competencies of traditional cooks.

Regarding the issue, Lic. Leyva Castrejón noted that “certification allows, from the formality of a scheme that sometimes require increasingly global formats, our cooks with dignity can demand what is theirs. What happened in Acapulco is the result of the work of the delegates, of the work of the CCGM. ”

During the next few days, the CCGM will be reporting on the results of this National Meeting of Information on Traditional Mexican Cuisine, as a World Heritage Site, to later write the general report required by UNESCO.

To close the ceremony, Lic. Leyva Castrejón reiterated the invitation of Governor Hector Astudillo Flores, for Guerrero to host the next World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy.

Source: UNO Supplement

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.