
MOLAA – Long Beach California
16-19 Of August 2018


In its diverse regional expressions, the rise of Mexican cuisine abroad is widely known. The same does not happen with the analysis that must be done about the repercussions that this expansive phenomenon implies in cultural, or social or economic terms, particularly when it comes to communities that, by themselves, are a power in demographic and cultural terms. Such is the case of Mexicans in the United States whose influence represents a whole lifestyle with their ways of eating.

We know for example that, in that great country, a fifth of the registered restaurants are Mexican; that there are more products consumed on the basis of industrialized corn; that on that side more tortillas are sold than in our own territory; that the cooks and the personnel of all hierarchy that works in the professional or domestic kitchens come from our soil; that the trade of food products has a determining weight in the national economy and that, in short, our kitchen is embedded by the entire venous network of the neighbor to the north.

At this point we must ask ourselves what we are doing to ensure that this event truly results in adequate policies that benefit the wide range of factors that intervene in the flourishing gastronomic Mexican stamp.

This argument must serve as a strong foundation for the World Gastronomy Forum in Mexico to shorten the distances and to work with the people of the American Union who contribute to the development of our cuisine in the spirit of extolling it and converting it into a symbol of identity pride in a powerful instrument to live and progress.



Strengthen the development of Mexican cuisine abroad through education, commercial expansion and promotion of the entire value chain that constitutes the national and regional gastronomic heritage.

To give continuity to the projects of support to the traditional cooks as carriers of the Gastronomic Patrimony of the country.



The program is the basis for analysis and reflection on the main objective of the Forum, which consists in the rescue, safeguarding and promotion of Mexican cuisine due to the fact that it is part of UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage.



El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.


Conservatorio de la Cultura
Gastronómica Mexicana

Teléfono: (52+55) 5616-0951 •